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Direct Mail Marketing Gets and Keeps Customers

A proven powerhouse for acquisition and retention.

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Direct Mail Marketing Reaches More Customers and Drives More Sales.

If Direct Mail marketing isn’t part of your strategy, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to retain and acquire more customers for your business.

In fact, studies prove that Direct Mail marketing:

  • Outperforms digital response rates by 600%
  • Generates a higher brand recall among consumers
  • Is guaranteed to be seen by 90% of your audience

Put your message directly in the hands of your customers and prospective buyers, for one of the most targeted, highly effective forms of advertising there is to drive response and sales.

Learn why successful businesses rely on Direct Mail to get more customers!

Direct mail statistics cover with a woman holding a postcard

Direct Mail Performance Estimator


Note: if the response is measured as a purchase, use 100%
# of Responders/Leads:
# of Customers Ordering:
Customer Lifetime Value:
Total Revenue Generated:

Curious About Direct Mail Performance?

Direct Mail is one of the most effective marketing channels for getting new customers.

Direct mail has an average response rate between 2.7% to 4.4%. Existing customer programs (Retention) usually have a higher response rate than new prospect programs (Acquisition).

Response rates typically increase with frequency and when pairing digital with Direct Mail for an Omni-Channel Direct Marketing program.

Use this Direct Mail Performance Estimator to see the possibility for Customer Lifetime Value and Total Revenue from your Direct Mail campaign.

To estimate your program’s budget, and your Cost Per Acquisition and Return On Ad Spend, contact one of our Direct Mail experts via phone or chat!

Your partner for successful Direct Mail Marketing programs.

When you work with Modern, you’ll gain a team of Direct Marketing Specialists that will guide you through six steps to implement Direct Mail programs that drive results and sales.

We'll help develop a strategy for best results.

40% of your success relies on your list.

Your mailer should grab attention in seconds.

Stand out with superior print products.

Lowest postage rates, highest deliverability.

Learn how to measure and improve ROI.

Industry experts, friendly service, and positive results.

We’re in the business of promoting your business in the most efficient and effective way possible. Whether you’re a long-time client or first-time customer, you’ll experience impeccable service and big-picture Direct Mail marketing strategies that will help your business thrive.
Direct marketing specialist icon | Modern Postcard

Direct Marketing Specialists

Guided by a team with over 25 years of expertise.

Paintbrush and palette icon | Modern Postcard

Professional Graphic Design

From simple layout help to complete design services.

List of data icon | Modern Postcard

List and Data Services

Helping you target the best audience for better response.

Mailbox icon | Modern Postcard

Mailing Services Experts

Every mailer is analyzed for postal analytics and optimal delivery, savings, and results.

Direct Mail Marketing Basics

These are the three most common questions asked by businesses new to Direct Mail. However, the best way to quickly learn the fundamentals of Direct Mail is to watch our Direct Mail 101 Webinar, which covers everything you and your team need to know if you’re considering Direct Mail marketing.

What are the Benefits of Direct Mail Marketing?

Some people may think that marketing anything in the mail is dead, but you’d be wrong. Many companies are not only succeeding but thriving using marketing through Direct Mail.

Direct Mail marketing has many purposes and can accomplish a lot. Direct Mail is particularly good at generating leads, building brand awareness, getting repeat orders from former customers, cross-selling, and more.

Some of the benefits of direct mailers are:

  • Direct Mail is targeted. With the wealth of demographic information available, you can target your mailers to people in certain income levels, certain education levels, renters vs. homeowners, recent purchasers, age, gender – nearly anything. There is so much information available that you can send the right mail at the right time to the right person.
  • Direct Mail can be in different formats. Postcard direct mail marketing is very popular, but you can also send letters, catalogs, magazines, leaflets. If you can mail it, you can send it via Direct Mail marketing.
  • Direct Mail is cost-effective. Mail is one of the cheapest ways to reach customers, and depending on your industry, it could very well be the most effective way as well. Whether you’re targeting a small group of highly-qualified prospects, or sending a mass mailer to a large group, Direct Mail is one of the cheapest ways to reach your audience.
  • Direct Mail is personalized. When you send a letter via Direct Mail, you can customize it with all of the personal information that is on file about that recipient. Address them by name, refer to previous purchases, celebrate their birthday – anything you can imagine can be done through personalized Direct Mail marketing.


How Does Direct Mail Marketing Work?

When you work with a Direct Mail marketing company like Modern Postcard, you will work toward well-defined goals for your marketing strategy. We’ll discuss with you what you want to achieve, what results you’re looking for, and help you come up with a marketing plan.

Then we’ll help you pick your audience so that your Direct Mail is targeted Direct Mail marketing. We’ll help you select the ideal customers for your campaign. We have access to massive amounts of demographic data to create the perfect mailing list to meet your goals.

If you have names and addresses, we can use your list of contacts. If you are looking to reach new customers, we can help you find the right targets.

Then we decide on a format. It might be a postcard (large or small), a letter, a brochure, a catalog – the sky’s the limit. Once we have the format we’ll work with you to get the right design for your mailer.

Finally, we send the mail. And you start making sales.

Which Industries or Businesses Use Direct Mail?

Businesses from all types and industries have been successful with Direct Mail. Real estate, retail, nonprofits, business-to-business, consumer services like roofing or plumbing, performing arts groups, universities, and more send out Direct Mail to both prospects and existing customers.

We recommend a business thinking about Direct Mail contact us for a no-obligation consultation about their business goals and what they’re trying to achieve. That way, we can create a plan based on their target audience and what kind of Return On Investment is realistic.

Start with a free
Direct Mail Marketing Consultation!