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Our Direct Mail Analytics Sharpens Your Marketing

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  3. Mailing List Analysis

Take the guess work out of renting a list, and let us guide you.

Lists are the single most critical component to the success of a direct mail campaign. In fact, studies indicate that 40% of the effectiveness of a campaign depends on the list.

We leverage our close relationships with data providers to assemble the ideal list at the lowest rate. And with Direct Marketing Analytics and predictive modeling, we can help you find more prospects that look just like your best customers.

Harness the power of new data technology to increase response rates.

Mailing List Data Analysis enables you to leverage powerful modeling software and identify prospects closely resembling your current customers. The result? Higher response rates, increased order averages and a compelling ROI.

To find more prospects that look just like your best customers, our experts will:

  • Analyze your existing customer list to find common demographic and geographic attributes
  • Provide you with a snapshot that will show you precisely what your best customers look like
  • Build a Prospect Model using predominant characteristics within your current customer list
  • Generate a list of “Pure Prospects” who look like current customers, but are yet to purchase
Our List Analytics Beat the Industry with Lower Prices and Faster Turnaround Time

Predictive Modeling with
Modern Analytics

Find prospects that look like your best customers for a fraction of the cost from typical providers.

Data Append with
Modern Enhancement

Add highly detailed geographic and demographic data to your existing mailing list.

Specialty Lists are

Let us guide you on how to choose from any commercially available list on the planet.

Pricing & Turnaround Time

With Modern Analytics, you simply pay for the names you want, which range from 8-15 cents each with a 5,000 name minimum per order. How else do we stack up to similar programs? Take a look:

Turnaround Time:
  • Modern – 3-5 business days
  • Elsewhere – 1-2 MONTHS
Customer Profile Reports:
  • Modern – Included
  • Elsewhere – as low as $500, averages around $2500
  • Click here to check out a sample profile report
Custom Models:
  • Modern – Included
  • Elsewhere – As low as $5,000, averages around $15,000
  • Click here to check out a sample report

For further details, including sample charts, download the Modern Analytics white paper now.

See how we tap into the latest data technology to find you prospects who look like your best customers.